Sunday, October 16, 2011

Diva of Whimsy - Tracy Swartz

This artist is so unique that I needed to chit-chat about her creativity.

Every time I go to Tracy Swartz’s website it just tickles me pink. Tracy Swartz's creative adventures with her art will make you smile. You will certainly want one of her creations either for yourself or for a gift. Tracy is an artist designing gourds into people and animals. One of my favorites is The Electric Barbarellas gourds. Tracy designed these dolls for The Electric Barbarellas as part of their special indiExhibit gift bag. The Electric Barbarellas is a girl band on a MTV reality show. Tracy will design one of these Fairy Gourdarellas just for you.

The Electric Barbarella Gourds

Does the creativity stop at her awesomeness with gourds? Don’t be silly…of course not. Tracy writes poetry and books. Tracy is in the process of releasing a new book soon. Tracy has a unique style of writing and talking that I call Tracyisms. So what are you waiting for check Tracy Swartz out!




  1. How cool I love the electric barbarellas. Could it be because my name is Barbara or I just like off beat things. Only time will tell...

  2. Tracy is one of the best gourd artists around! I have two of her dolls: a peace gourdess and a rainbow gourdella and love them both. I got a pink princess gourdella for my best friend, too. Seriously awesome gourd art from a seriously awesome lady :)!
    Om Shanti,
    Designs by Hafapea Gift Shop

    1. Tracy, is a wonderful artist. The Barbarella dolls are so colorful. You're pretty cool, too!

  3. love the barbarella dolls!....i showed this to heather barbarella.... she thought they were the cutest things in the world.

    1. Hi Miguel ~ Thanks, for showing Heather Barbarella the dolls! Tracy, sent all the dolls through a rep for the Barbarellas a few months ago. We always wondered if the Barbarella's received them. Hope so! Take care, Claire
