Friday, September 16, 2011

63rd Primetime Emmy Awards 2011

This year I was invited to join The indiExhibit a collective group of artisans coming together to bring their art to a new level. We have the opportunity to bring our designs and art to the best Hollywood gift lounges. 

I decided to go for it and design Labradorite Dream Earrings in sterling silver and goldfill to be sent through The indiExhibit to the 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards. So my friends here are a couple of photos...

Length 1 inch

I have met some wonderful talented people in The indiExhibit! 
So who will be watching the Emmys???

Available in:

Friday, September 9, 2011

Facebook News Feed

I've been on Facebook for a good while now. I've never organized my News Feed or friends. Recently, I seem to have gathered quite a sum of peeps! I notice as my "peeps" grow not all may like everything that I have to say. I have broken down my peeps into groups so they don't get bombarded with posts that they may not care about. My groups consist of old high school friends, artist friends, co-worker friends, friends, family. What's nice is that these groups can also be added to another group, too.  It's also easy after this organization to click a group in the News Feed and see just what that group of peeps are up to. I like to share how things are made for instance when I make a new jewelry design...sooo....I just share with my artist friends. This way not everyone has to endure my ramblings of jewelry posts. You get the idea?

So here's the deal:
1. Go to Edit Friends

2. Create a list (friends, family, artist friends, etc.)

3. Add all your friends, family, groups, etc.

4. Go to your News Feed, click on Most Recent and a drop down menu will appear You select what list you want to show up in your news feed ~ select.

I am no expert in using Facebook but I thought this may be a start for someone out there in Facebookland to follow.

Monday, September 5, 2011

It's September!

Well, it’s September!  I have notice it’s getting darker earlier now…how sad.  I’ve captured this beautiful butterfly in all its glory.  Summer months will soon be a memory but Autumn will bring new adventures  to explore and so it goes…